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News from our hives!

un toit pour les abeilles

| 08/04/2021 |

As part of an environmental protection approach, the Corlet Group wanted to sponsor a beehive close to its printing plants and support sites (in the Domfrontais region) through a concrete action.

As we know, bees are disappearing and there are many reasons for this. However, man and nature need them.

Sponsoring a beehive means giving birth to a new colony of bees, thus allowing not only their preservation, but their growth.

Bees are very active in April!

Pollen and nectar are abundant and the foragers travel several kilometers a day to bring the best back to the hive. This is a good time for the colony to develop. The beekeeper must be vigilant in April and watch it!

The bee organization model can be inspiring:

Always make sure our organization is learning and agile.

Work together towards a common goal.

Put individuality at the service of the collective.

Valuing collective intelligence.

Which proves that we always have to draw inspiration from nature.

In the Corlet group, it is no coincidence that our logo features a bee. It is all these qualities that we want to put at your service as Customers of our Group!