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Gender equality index

Gender equality index

Strong component of our HR policy

In traditionally male-dominated activities, gender equality is a key component of our HR policy. Our actions recurrently integrate Professional Equality between Women and Men, whether it be:

  • A non-discriminatory salary policy
  • Special attention to the integration of female apprentices
  • Mentoring for women entering management positions.
  • The integration of the theme of gender equality in management training modules.

Our company will also act on the theme of parenthood by systematically organizing interviews before and after maternity or adoption leave.

Gender equality index

Since 2019, companies have been invited to measure their performance in terms of professional equality and to publish the results of their “Gender Equality Index” on their website.
This index is composed of five indicators dealing with:

  • Gender pay gap
  • Proportion of women and men who have been promoted
  • Proportion of women and men promoted
  • Percentage of women receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave
  • The number of women and men among the 10 highest salaries in the company

The UES Corlet Imprimeur has reached the following scores:

Indicator score: 86/100

Illustration Corlet Imprimeur 360°
  • Pay gaps between women and men: 38/40
  • Proportion of women and men who have received an increase: 35/35
  • Percentage of women receiving raises after returning from maternity leave: N.C.
  • The number of women and men in the company’s 10 highest paid: 0/10

Although this score is higher than the minimum of 75 points set by the government, we are determined to improve it, in particular by focusing our actions on the theme of gender diversity in certain sectors and access for women to the highest levels of responsibility, and therefore of remuneration, in our companies.

We have always been convinced that gender diversity is a powerful lever for performance and attractiveness.

It is our responsibility to continue to promote the graphic arts and printing professions to women, particularly in schools, and to help our female employees to develop their skills within the Group and thus enable them to pursue ambitious career paths.