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Inks: new regulation creates controversy

Inks: new regulation creates controversy

Inks: new regulation creates controversy

Many difficulties have been encountered by professionals in the printing sector following the order of 13 April 2022.

Top view of old CMYK paint cans on dark background. Colorful background.

Ban on mineral oils in printed products for the public

This concerns “substances contained in mineral oils, the use of which is prohibited on packaging and in printing intended for the public”. It stipulates that all inks containing more than 1% mineral oil are no longer permitted from 1 January 2023.

To be more precise, here is an extract from the decree listing the mineral oils concerned:

  • Mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) comprising 1 to 7 aromatic rings;
  • Mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) with 16 to 35 carbon atoms.

Until 31 December 2024, the ban on the use of mineral oils applies when the concentration of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in ink exceeds 1% by mass.

The law in a nutshell

In simple terms, inks containing more than 1% mineral oil in their composition may no longer be used. This concerns almost the entire industry. The decree targets all those who use packaging and printed products intended for the public in any way.

For other companies not directly affected by this decree, they are affected by another law. The AGEC law, also known as the anti-waste law, and its article 112 prohibit the use of mineral oils for printing intended for the public even if these prints are not solicited. As soon as they are for the purpose of commercial promotion, the ban applies and this from 1 January 2023.

What about inks at CORLET Imprimeur 360 ° ?

Ce décret n’a pas d’impact sur la production des produits imprimés dans nos ateliers. En effet, nous sommes en conformité avec les taux indiqués. Afin de nous en assurer, nous avons questionné nos fournisseurs pour avoir des chiffres concrets à présenter. Si ce sujet vous intéresse et que vous désirez en savoir plus, vous pouvez nous contacter grâce à notre formulaire de contact ici : Contactez votre imprimeur Corlet à Condé-en-Normandie – Corlet